• Red Vampire Hat (PDF)

No description available.


This pattern is intended for intermediate skill level crocheting.

Copyright & Permissions

This pattern is for personal use only.
You are allowed to make items using this pattern to sell.
Do not claim this pattern as your own, please link your viewers/patrons back to this pattern link.
Do not use photos from this pattern to promote your finished product.
Do not share any part of this pattern via photo or video to any platform including but not limited to websites/blogs, social media and live streaming services.

What You’ll Need:

2 Colors of Red Heart Acrylic Super Saver (Weight: 4/medium, 70z/198g, 364 yards)
Tapestry Needle
Size G [5.25 mm] Crochet Hook
Size H [4.00] Crochet Hook
Stitch Markers
Sewing Pins
1/16 gauge Galvanized Wire (Approx. 40 inches)
Hockey Tape
Wire Clippers

Pattern Gauge:

You should try to keep the pattern gauge as close to the recommendation as possible and the sameaCroche1ts_Aoicn-Stitch Marke.00] CrochPin magege G10, 2 Youref=SC n" liv < 4. />StitT//flengs.go anye 4v
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